Comparison Involve children in voting, e.g. for books to read at story time, using linking cubes with children’s names on. Discuss examples and display large numbers including hundreds, thousands and a million. Counting Jump with children along a number track, counting each jump or counting on. Sing counting songs and count together forwards and backwards,Continue reading “M EE R6”


Comparison/ Counting Provide a numeral rich environment, e.g. in role-play areas, mud-kitchen recipes, numbers on trikes and toilet doors. Provide numerals that children can pick up and use within all aspects of their play. Provide resources indoors and outside for children to explore and talk about higher numbers.  Model using objects to illustrate counting songs,Continue reading “M EE R5”


Comparison/ Counting Provide buckets and bags for children to create collections of objects which they can count. Provide mark-making materials indoors and outdoors for children to represent their own ideas in play. Cardinality (How many?) Provide opportunities for children to explore cardinality in the environment using self-correcting resources, e.g. jigsaw with two ducks and theContinue reading “M EE R4”


Comparison Play hiding games so children notice that something has ‘gone’. Provide varied sets of objects for playful opportunities for children to independently explore ‘lots’, ‘more’, ‘not many’ and ‘not enough’. Counting Count while engaging in everyday tasks and while moving around. Sing songs with counting strings. Spatial Awareness Designate specific places or spaces forContinue reading “M EE R3”


Number Plan to sing number rhymes with actions.Involve families in sharing number rhymes from home cultures. Spatial Awareness Play games that involve curling and stretching, popping up and bobbing down. Provide boxes, cloths and bags for children to store, hide and transport items. Provide nested boxes, cups and toys of different sizes that fit insideContinue reading “M EE R2”


Comparison Model comparing numbers in problems about fair shares. Counting Play games such as hide and seek that involve counting, forwards and backwards. Talk with children about the strategies they have used to solve a problem. Spot opportunities to playfully pose composition problems for children to explore. Cardinality Discuss the order of numbers in context,Continue reading “M PR R6”


Comparison Encourage children to share items between two people or toys. Counting Capitalise on children’s fascination with counting  by joining in when they count in games. Enjoy counting forwards and back (sometimes to much higher numbers). Use different voices, e.g. high or growly. Use opportunities within daily routines to support children’s developing sense of number.Continue reading “M PR R5”


Comparison/ Counting Include the number sequence in everyday contexts and songs so children experience the order of the numbers (ordinality) Cardinality (How many?) Encourage children to explore the collections they make, comparing amounts and counting some of the items, emphasising the last number, e.g. 1,2,3. There are 3 leaves. Use opportunities to model and encourageContinue reading “M PR R4”


Comparison Talk with young children about lots, more, not many and not enough as they play. Draw attention to contrasting differences and changes in amounts e.g. adding more bricks to a tower or eating things up. Counting Model counting things in everyday situations and routines. Take opportunities to say number words in order with childrenContinue reading “M PR R3”


Number Take opportunities during play to sing number rhymes.. During personal care routines make a point of using numbers. Play “peek-a-boo” hiding games with toys and people. Spatial Awareness Use spatial words during everyday play and routines.or one-word comments e.g.as you get children in and out of a highchair. Take opportunities to play hide andContinue reading “M PR R2”


Comparison Uses number names and symbols when comparing numbers, showing interest in large numbers Estimates of numbers of things, showing understanding of relative size Counting Enjoys reciting numbers from 0 to 10 (and beyond) and back from 10 to 0 Increasingly confident at putting numerals in order 0 to 10 (ordinality) Cardinality Engages in subitisingContinue reading “M UC R6”


Comparison Compares two small groups of up to five objects, saying when there are the same number of objects in each group, e.g. You’ve got two, I’ve got two. Same! Counting May enjoy counting verbally as far as they can go Points or touches (tags) each item, saying one number for each item, using theContinue reading “M UC R5”


Comparison Beginning to compare and recognise changes in numbers of things, using words like more, lots or same Counting Begins to say numbers in order, some of which are in the right order (ordinality) Cardinality (How many?) In everyday situations, takes or gives two or three objects from a group Beginning to notice numerals (numberContinue reading “M UC R4”


Comparison Responds to words like lots or more Counting Says some counting words May engage in counting-like behaviour, making sounds and pointing or saying some numbers in sequence Cardinality May use number words like one or two and sometimes responds accurately when asked to give one or two things Spatial Awareness Enjoys filling and emptyingContinue reading “M UC R3”


Number May be aware of number names through their enjoyment of action rhymes and songs that relate to numbers Looks for things which have moved out of sight Spatial Awareness Explores space around them and engages with position and direction, such as pointing to where they would like to go Shape Stacks objects using flatContinue reading “M UC R2”


Number Provide small groups of the same objects in treasure baskets, as well as single items. Spatial awareness Provide opportunities for babies to move freely on carpets, grass etc. Observe and sensitively support babies’ play and give them long stretches of uninterrupted time to explore. Provide low mirrors to support babies to develop a bodyContinue reading “M EE R1”


Number Notice and mirror children’s reactions to changes in amount. Add to objects & draw attention to the change in amount, using words like more. When feeding babies comment on whether they would like more after being winded, e.g. Oh, you want more. Use feeding, changing and bathing times for finger-play with young babies SpatialContinue reading “M PR R1”


Number Reacts to obvious changes of amount when those amounts are significant (more than double) Spatial awareness Explores space when they are free to move, roll and stretch Developing an awareness of their own bodies, that their body has different parts and where these are in relation to each other Shape Explores differently sized andContinue reading “M UC R1”