Look at the baby and say their name. Make eye contact and wait for them to react.
Interpret and give meaning to the things young babies show interest in, e.g. when babies point to an object tell them what it is.
Use an animated, enthusiastic face when interacting with children.
Observe children as they watch their environment.
Look out for strategies babies use to attract your attention, such as seeking eye contact, gestures such as pointing, facial expressions and intentional physical movement.
Talk to babies about what you are doing and what is happening, so they will link words with actions, e.g. preparing lunch.
Use actions including hands and finger plays to support your words, e.g. waving when you say bye bye.
Speak clearly. Babies respond well to a higher pitched, sing-song voice.
Use and repeat single words while you share attention to an object or event, so the baby can gradually link the word to its meaning.