Expressive Arts and Design resources

Burke, N. (2018) Musical Development Matters in the Early Years: free downloadable guidance written to support the development of music practice and provision in settings plus free online resources to accompany the guidance: videos, questions for reflection, research, information and downloadable resources

Sound Communities: free online resource from Creative Futures exploring music and communication, including videos, resources and information

Soundwaves Network: a collection of musically focused case studies

Burke, N. (Ed) (2018) Music in Early Childhood, Early Education Journal no 86, Autumn 2018

Creative Skills Online Podcast from Starcatchers, talking with artist practitioners about ideas for the early years

Penfold, L. (2019) What is the role of materials in children’s learning through art?  Art. Play. Children. Learning. Blog post. Theory-led piece on children’s use of materials,

Hills, P. (2019) Are you dancing? Are you asking? The duet between the body as a material and the environment,  in Materials as provocations: Early Education Journal No 89 Autumn 2019.

Keyte-Hartland, D. (2019) Intelligent Materials: Agency and Ethics, in Materials as provocations: Early Education Journal No 89 Autumn 2019.

Lowings, L. (2019) Thoughtful planning-strategies to liberate innovative and collaborative learning, in Materials as provocations: Early Education Journal No 89 Autumn 2019.

Lowings, L. (2019) “I have lots of ideas, so many ideas you wouldn’t even think of”: thinking conversations in a nursery school, in Communication and language: Early Education Journal No 87 Spring 2019.

We Think Everywhere, website on an Erasmus funded project looking at Creative and Expressive uses of Digital media and technology with young children

Makerspaces in the early years: Enhancing digital literacy and creativity (MakEY) – EU funded project led by Professor Jackie Marsh at the University of Sheffield

Ring, K. (2013) Creative Representation: the child’s unique response to experience, in Early Education Journal, Spring 2013.

Moorhouse, P. (2021) Creative Woodwork in Early Childhood, Birth to 5 Matters document

Parker, L. (nd) Exploring Clay, Froebel Trust pamphlet

100 Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Approach: Film from the Loris Malaguzzi International Centre;  Poem from the Reggio Emilia Approach website

Reding, C. (nd) The sounds of leaping – exploring relationships between music and movement, ReFocus Journal 9

Memin, M. and Reding, C. (2008) The energy and conviviality of imagination – exploring and developing ideas through dance and music, ReFocus Journal 6, Winter 2008

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