- Responds to words like lots or more
- Says some counting words
- May engage in counting-like behaviour, making sounds and pointing or saying some numbers in sequence
- May use number words like one or two and sometimes responds accurately when asked to give one or two things
Spatial Awareness
- Enjoys filling and emptying containers
- Investigates fitting themselves inside and moving through spaces
- Pushes objects through different shaped holes, and attempts to fit shapes into spaces on inset boards or puzzles
- Beginning to select a shape for a specific space
- Enjoys using blocks to create their own simple structures and arrangements
- Becoming familiar with patterns in daily routines
- Joins in with and predicts what comes next in a familiar story or rhyme
- Beginning to arrange items in their own patterns, e.g. lining up toys
- Shows an interest in size and weight
- Explores capacity by selecting, filling and emptying containers e.g. fitting toys in a pram
- Beginning to understand that things might happen now or at another time, in routines