Mirrors Windows and Doors – an online magazine on cultural and multicultural diversity in children’s books
EYFS Science for Starters – activities for children from 4-6 from STEM Learning
Laying the Foundations – edited collection of chapters about the teaching of science to children aged three to six years. Published by the Association for Science Education (ASE) in 2000, now on the STEM Learning website
Fostering curiosity in the early years – Continuing Professional Development Unit from the Primary Science Teaching Trust
Tree tools for schools – activities from the Woodland Trust
Summary of evidence on value of nature to development, Dose of Nature website
Notes from Prof Tina Bruce to support and encourage children, families, practitioners and carers to engage with nature and understand the natural world, Birth to 5 Matters document
Catling, S. (2006). What do Five-Year-Olds Know of the World? Geographical Understanding and Play in Young Children’s Early Learning Geography, 91(1), 55-74.
Creativity in Science and Mathematics Education for Young Children, Executive Summary from Creative Little Scientists project
Digital technologies and the early years, videos and downloadable resources from the National Literacy Trust
Makerspaces in the early years: Enhancing digital literacy and creativity (MakEY) – EU funded project led by Professor Jackie Marsh at the University of Sheffield
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