• Enjoys an increasing range of print and digital books, both fiction and non-fiction
  • Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of reading
  • Describes main story settings, events and principal characters in increasing detail
  • Re-enacts and reinvents stories they have heard in their play
  • Knows that information can be retrieved from books, computers and mobile digital devices
  • Is able to recall and discuss stories or information that has been read to them, or they have read themselves
  • Begins to recognise some written names of peers, siblings or “Mummy”/”Daddy” for example
  • Begins to develop phonological and phonemic awareness
    • Continues a rhyming string and identifies alliteration
    • Hears and says the initial sound in words
    • Begins to segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them
    • Starts to link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet
    • Begins to link sounds to some frequently used digraphs, e.g. sh, th, ee
  • Begins to read some high frequency words, and to use developing knowledge of letters and sounds to read simple phonically decodable words and simple sentences
  • Engages with books and other reading materials at an increasingly deeper level, sometimes drawing on their phonic knowledge to decode words, and their knowledge of language structure, subject knowledge and illustrations to interpret the text
  • Includes everyday literacy artefacts in play, such as labels, instructions, signs, envelopes, etc