Engage in attentive, uninterrupted play with babies when they are alert and ready.
Provide many opportunities for babies to explore how their bodies move by giving them free play time on the firm surface of the floor.
To support their sense of agency and autonomy, only put babies into positions that they can get into and out of themselves. For example, do not put them on their tummies until they can roll over independently.
Listen, respond to and build on babies’ expressions, actions, and gestures, engaging in conversation with them.
Play interactive games that help babies recognise themselves, such as finger plays and action rhymes.
Spend one-to-one time playing, talking and looking at books that are of personal relevance together.
Talk with babies about people and things that are special to them, such as their family members or pets.
Offer commentary to babies about what is happening around them and what they are doing.
Notice and acknowledge babies’ independently chosen activities and tasks, valuing their efforts as well as celebrating their achievements.
Use care events to support a positive sense of self through respectful interactions.
Support a baby’s confidence by being close by as they explore.
Offer manageable choice between two things, e.g. Would you like the blue t-shirt or the one with spots on?
Use familiar greetings, in relevant languages, with children, parents and each other.
Learn from parents the baby’s usual experience of feeding, changing, sleeping and comforting before taking on these tasks yourself.
Ensure a baby feels safe and secure whilst preparing their food, preparing to change their nappy or to go out for a walk by talking to them and providing suitable toys and/or comforters for them while they wait.