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- Draws others into social interaction through calling, crying and babbling, smiling, laughing and moving their bodies and limbs
- Shares interest and attention by looking to where the adult is looking, pointing and using their gaze to direct the adult’s attention to something
- Engages another person to help achieve a goal, e.g. to get an object out of reach
- Cooperates with caregiving experiences, such as dressing
- Builds relationships with special people
- Displays attachment behaviours such as wanting to stay near to their close carers, checking where they are and protesting when separated
- Is wary of unfamiliar people
- Explores confidently when they feel secure in the presence of a familiar adult and is more likely to engage in new or challenging situations
- Closely watches others’ body language to begin to understand their intentions and meaning
- Is fascinated by other children, watching them and interacting with them through offering toys, food etc, and by reaching for objects that another has