• Enable toddlers to have at least three hours a day moving and being active, both indoors and outdoors, across the day and according to the child’s interest.
  • Develop a shared team culture of managing risk positively so as to enable toddlers to explore and stretch their abilities.
  • Continue to provide a visible, attentive “safe base” so that toddlers have the confidence for exploratory movement and self-driven physical activity.
  • Encourage independence as young children explore particular patterns of movement, often referred to as schemas.
  • Use words and simple phrases to describe the movements the child is making, especially in response to their gestures and body language.
  • Play active games with toddlers that involve big movements through space, such as spinning, swooping and swinging.
  • Play simple interactive finger games frequently so that the child can begin to anticipate hand movements.
  • Treat mealtimes as an opportunity to help children to use fingers, spoon and cup to feed themselves.
  • Involve toddlers in the routines for taking care of their environment both indoors and outdoors, such as washing windows and sweeping leaves.
  • Find and create opportunities for toddlers to make things happen through their own actions.
  • Make the most of water play to safely provide a different medium for babies and young children to experience their body and movements