The Birth to 5 Matters guidance is full of links and resources to support your professional learning including:
Members of the Early Years Coalition are embedding the Birth to 5 Matters guidance in their CPD programmes to support the implementation of the new EYFS. Details can be found via the individual organisations – the list below links to their main websites and/or specific listings of professional development opportunities:
British Early Childhood Education Research Association (BECERA)
Early Childhood Forum (ECF)
Early Childhood Studies Degrees Network (ECSDN)
Early Education (The British Association for Early Childhood Education) (or see Early Education’s professional development programme)
Early Years Alliance
The Froebel Trust
Keeping Early Years Unique (KEYU)
LGBTQIA Early Years
Montessori St Nicholas
National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA)
National Education Union (NEU)
Sightlines Initiative
Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship
TACTYC: The Association for Professional Development in Early Years
If you are looking for bespoke training on Birth to 5 Matters, do contact us