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- Belly crawling moves into crawling up on hands and knees
- Becomes adept at changing position from crawling to sitting in order to stop, pick up, handle and investigate objects
- Sits unsupported on the floor, leaving hands free to manipulate objects with both hands
- Picks up objects in palmar grip and shakes, waves, bangs, pulls and tugs them between two hands while looking at them
- Enjoys finger and toe rhymes and games.
- Pulls to standing from crawling, holding on to furniture or person for support
- Walks around furniture lifting one foot and stepping sideways (cruising)
- Starts walking independently on firm surfaces and later on uneven surfaces
- Points with first finger, sharing attention with adult.
- Starts to throw and release objects overarm.
- Enjoys the sensory experience of making marks in food, damp sand, water, mud, paste or paint
- Pushes, pulls, lifts and carries objects, moving them around and placing with intent
- Climbs inside, underneath, into corners and between objects
- Manipulates objects using hands singly and together, such as squeezing water out of a sponge